How does a DNR fit into your estate planning?

On Behalf of | May 13, 2022 | Estate Planning

A Do Not Resuscitate (DNR) order will keep you from being resuscitated and placed on life support if that is the only way to keep you alive. There are cases in which medical intervention is still possible, but not everyone wants to utilize these options.

If you add a DNR into your estate plan, then you know that the doctors are going to respect your wishes. One of the main benefits of this is simply that you get to choose the manner in which the end of your life approaches. You know you’re not going to be subjected to an extended period on life support or in a condition that you would not prefer to be in.

Focusing on your family

Another benefit of using a DNR is that it can make it easier for your family. The alternative is to set up a health care proxy or use a medical power of attorney so that somebody else can make the decision on your behalf. But this person is likely a close loved one, and it may be very hard for them to decide if you should be kept on life support or not. They may think that you wouldn’t have wanted it, but they will find it hard to let you go.

When they find out that you have a DNR on file, then it takes a lot of pressure off of your loved ones. They simply allow you to make your choices for your life, and they don’t ever have to wrestle with this decision themselves. This can make things go a lot more smoothly as your family transitions into this next stage.

If you are interested in using a DNR, medical power of attorney or any other similar documents, be sure that you know what legal steps to take to get them set up in advance.