No one really likes to contemplate the possibility of being incapacitated, terminally ill, or unable to function normally. Although these are unpleasant things to think about, planning in advance can provide the peace of mind that comes with knowing you have appointed...
Month: March 2016
Estate Planning Rights For Same-Sex Couples
Although same-sex marriage has been legal in Minnesota since 2013, the rights of such couples remained unsettled in many states, where gay marriage was not recognized. For years, gay couples struggled with uncertain laws that required them to jump through legal hoops...
Have You Avoided These Estate Planning Mistakes?
If you are in the process of creating an estate plan in Minnesota, there is nothing more important than preventing mistakes. Tip: If you already have an estate plan in place, review it today to ensure that it still suits your every want and need. It's not uncommon to...
Estate Planning For Seniors: Meeting With Your Attorney
When an older person wishes to update a will or make changes to other estate planning documents, it's common for an adult child to accompany them to the lawyer's office. This situation makes sense: Many seniors have mobility challenges that require assistance. Others...
Beware Of "Trust Mills"
Unfortunately, the elderly are a frequent target of dishonest companies and individuals who attempt to capitalize on seniors' financial fears. Many of these companies sell trusts and annuities that end up harming a senior's finances instead of improving or preserving...